Jackie's Angels

We are looking to change the experience those have when diagnosed with Metastatic stage 4 breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer — also called stage IV — is breast cancer that has spread to another part of the body, most commonly the bones, lungs, brain, or liver. 30% of breast cancer patients metastasize. Those with MBC on average, live 18-24 months and over 40,000 people in the US die from MBC each year. There is currently no cure for MBC, but that does not always mean the end of life.


We are a non-profit and volunteer only foundation. Our funds will go towards awareness as well as funding for treatments for the disease. 100% of every donation and 100% of proceeds from every fundraiser (after event expenses) will be donated to Metavivor. $5 of every Tshirt sold will be donated to Metavivor. Metavivor donates 100% of every donation to research grants.